Tuesday, January 8, 2013

oh baldwin food, how i missed you

if you couldn't gather from the title, i am back in indiana at school. anyone who knows me well, knows that i loathe loathe loathe flying on airplanes. i pray and pray and pray. i am sure there were plenty of other prayers going up wishing that i wouldn't puke everything i am out on the plane ride. well, praise God. He heard every prayer and i didn't get sick even once. this was probably the best flying experience i have had, at least flying by myself. =) it was great.

the semester started on monday and i already felt stressed. my mondays, wednesdays, and fridays all start with chapel at 10:00 am. then i go to weight training, straight to chemistry lecture, then straight to psycology, then straight to anatomy, then straight to my room to sleeeeeep. =) just kidding. i do find that i have no time for lunch, not helpful. but don't worry, my goldfishies hold me over. tuesdays, however, are like a dream come true. one class that starts at 3:15. its like a saturday in the middle of the week?! except for the fact that i am trying to be "healthy". this meant that my room mate, lauren, and i woke up at 9:30....maybe 9:40? okay, fine....we woke up at like 9:45 and didn't make it to the gym until 10:25, but hey it was early and it was slow going. overall, i am pretty excited about this semester. i do have some classes i am nervous about but i am positive it will all work out just fine and dandy.

to celebrate the beginning of the semester lauren and i drove to fort wayne. why you may ask? well...to celebrate...by going shopping? yes! did you know that there is parking for prego mommies? i recently discovered this glorious thing. also, aren't all women mommies to be? soooo doesn't that mean i can park there? i think yes.*
this wonderful roomie-date also included going to olive garden (heaven on earth), a christian book store, and a sporting goods store. we got a weighted exercise ball. the men working the store thought i was ridiculous asking for this. i think they finally realized that i actually knew what i was talking about. the preceded to linger and ask us if we needed more help. no mr. immaflirt, we don't need your help.

i also got to go back to my indiana home church and got to see my wonderful kids =) oh how i missed them. 

random facts about being back:

-i didn't miss baldwin food.
-adjusting to a four hour time difference is grrrreeaaatt. (hello three a.m.)
-i disgust having to carry a box of heavy text books and slide my id to get into my hall....also stairs are the worst.
-weighted exercise balls are great for sitting on and watching THE BIGGEST LOSER, it makes you feel like you are doing something super productive. 

i know you enjoy the randomness of this post and that you are able to grasp just a little bit of the randomness of the life i live.

until next time, toodaloo

*we didn't actually park there. it was only one parking space closer. and we are trying to be healthy...so mine as well walk...right?

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