Friday, November 15, 2013

ghmc 2013

since the summer before my junior year of high school i felt called to missions. this came about by working for two summers at echo ranch bible camp in juneau, alaska and different interacts with speaker and missionaries. this past weekend, i had the opportunity to attend the largest medical missions conference in the world. the follow are random pictures i took to document my time at the conference in louisville, kentucky. 

as a college student you are REQUIRED to bring your backpack/homework on every trip. 
(however, i don't think any homework actually got done...#sorrynotsorry)

this is my friend kara. she attended the conference with me. 
it was only by her telling about the conference that i ended up going. 
God worked it all out.

kara is a babe.

everyone else either stayed in the car or went to the bathroom.
kara and i couldn't resist the trees and leaves.

i found this gem while i was registering.
we didn't even know we were attending the conference together.
God works again.

i have never been in a church this large in my life.
they had their own bookstore.
and coffee shop.
and recreation center.
they could be their own town.

they had a large magnetic map that you could put a marker on for your mission field.

these were our entries in a tattoo placement contest. 

i may or may not have won an ipad mini because of the above picture.
if you know anyone who would like to buy a brand new ipad mini...let me know.

one of the breakout sessions i went to on human trafficking.
very eye opening.


overall, the weekend was very eye opening. it confirmed my call to full time missions. what that looks like i have no idea. but i have a large desire to serve unreached people. so unreached people. be. prepared. i am praying for you already. 

it is crazy to now have a renewed perspective on your current place being your missions field.
now, i feel as if everything i am learning or coming in contact with on a daily basis is somehow involved with missions, poverty, or the hurting.

give me Your eyes.

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