you've heard the phrase. numerous times i am sure.
stop and smell the roses!
oh if that was just as easy to do as it is to say. you say just stop? and smell the roses?
i'm sorry but i can't do that.
why not?
well...because...i have to update my facebook status. i need to tweet my favorite celebrity in hopes that they tweet me back. i just got done eating lunch with friends and need to instagram a picture of my meal. oh and my other friend just texted me so i need to text them back, right away. i have a facetime date set up with my friend who lives in montana. i need to run to the store. run home. run out again. make dinner. clean the house. fold some laundry. spend some time with my family. oops another text i need to reply to.
the list goes on. have you had days like this? i have. guilty as charged.
in our culture today, we are taught to go. go. go. go. the world today is all about productivity and efficiency. get done as much as you can in the least amount of time. have a spare second? don't sit down. there is more laundry to be folded. dishes to be washed. children to feed. work to be done. bills to be paid. (you get the idea)
if we are getting so much done in one day, why are we feeling unfulfilled? there are days where i lay in bed at night with my mind reeling about everything i didn't get done. why do we feel unfulfilled? why do we feel unaccomplished? why aren't we content?
are there days where you feel unfulfilled? but why? we are doing what the world says to do. isn't it enough?
go. do. be.
but where are we going? why are we going there?
why are we doing what we do?
who are we? is it what we want to be? who does Christ want us to be?
Christ. isn't that the answer? if not, shouldn't it be the answer?
"God would never give you more than you could handle after first spending time with Him."
-Unknown Author
ain't that the truth. in the case that the previous quote wasn't like a spiritual 2 by 4 smacking you in the face, here is another: (be prepared for the spiritual impact)
Jesus calling, "time with me cannot be rushed. when you are in a hurry, your mind flitters back and forth between Me and the tasks ahead of you. create a safe space around you, a haven in which you can rest with me. i also desire this time of focused attention, and i use it to bless you, strengthening and equipping you or the day ahead. thus, spending time with me is a wise investment. bring me the sacrifice of your precious time. this creates sacred space around you--space permeated with My presence and My peace."
focus today on stopping and smelling the roses the way the Father would lead.
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