we all had children's toys that we enjoyed playing with.
one that i personally enjoyed was this:
the whole point is to fit the yellow shape into the right shaped hole.
it really is fairly simple.
but for a young child, it could be difficult.
i love when things click. you know the moment when God brings two things in your mind together and it just clicks?
i love those moments. love. love. love.
that moment happened.
it in involved that toy.
and my heart.
you see, as a baby you are totally and completely dependent on you parent.
you need food.
you need shelter.
you need clothing.
you need changed.
you need attention.
you need love.
you NEED all these things and have NO way to obtain them. your parent, however, can.
now as a young adult, i like to do things on my own.
however, if Christ is in the center of our lives we can't do things on our own.
(prepare to share in my heavy heart. i have cried many a times over this.)
i look around at family, friends, and the general population of this earth and see void.
we have done it. we have ALL done it.
we have all tried to fill that one space in our heart with something that just doesn't quite fit right.
and we feel...empty. unfulfilled. a void.
drinking. drugs. relationships. habits. hobbies. pass-times. call it whatever YOU need to call it. because it is different for each of us.
romans 1:21-23
"for although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thank to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things."
earlier this year, i was really struggling with the fact that i cannot save my friends or family.
my heart was and is heavy for those who do not yet know the glory and splendor of my creator.
romans 1:19-20
"for what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. for this invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. so they are without excuse."
our God reigns. i was comforted by the song "the harvester" by brandon heath. the lyrics say,
"those who don't know, or just don't know yet."
i can't put the pieces of people's lives in place. i can't make it fit just right. i can't make people see. i can't make people believe. but HE can. and they will know.
i'm not perfect (don't quote me). neither are you (you can quote that part). my pieces...they fall out of place sometimes. the couple of days i forget to read and text my daily proverb to my friend. the day i stay bitter towards that one person who i really can't love (on my own. thankfully i have the Lord's help).
prayer. it is always the answer.
jeremiah 17:9
"the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick; who can understand it?"
the creator of a specific invention is the only one who knows how to fix it. he has the instructions and all the manuals. jesus understands our hearts. he can put all of the little yellow pieces into place.
act like a child. let your Daddy help you play the game of life.
i would ask that you pray for my cousin who is struggling. if i can pray for you, a friend, or a family member please do not hesitate to ask. we are a body. the body of Christ. we have POWER through Him who loves us.
now enjoy this beautifully written song:
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