Saturday, June 7, 2014

my thoughts on national donut day.

in case you didn't know:

friday june 6th 2014 [yesterday] was national donut day. 

did you know this? because i didn't. and donuts are my 2nd favorite food. 
how did i find out? 
well maybe it was the 50000 pictures of donuts on instagram. 

when i attended decker prarie elementary school we had one day a year that was my favorite. that was "dad's and donuts". what could be better? 
maybe it would be the mom's and muffins day? [i can't remember if that actually existed or if i just made it up. oh well.]  
anyway, you brought your dad to school [early] and then you go a donut [worth the early]. 
it was the best. my elementary school knew the way to my heart. 

dear decker prairie elementary:
i loved representing the school every friday with my school shirt. i also loved being the one to take the flag down at the end of the day, and carefully fold it up. i loved being on the jump rope team and in the talent show in fourth grade. i loved having roller skating in pe class. i loved all my teachers [mrs. almond, you were a jokester]. but i especially loved dad's and donuts. thanks for making my childhood a great thing. 

love, bethany

but really, shouldn't every day be donut day? probably i think so. 
so i would be eating a donut [or maybe two. you know, in honor of my elementary school] but my mom and i are cutting out sugary sweets [this is really hard for me, especially the donuts].

so i am asking that you make a sacrifice for me and eat a donut [or maybe two. one for you and one for me]. 

dear national donut day:
i already have you in my calendar for next year. i promise i won't forget about you.

love, bethany  

until next time,
- the depressed & donutless b

***also, if anyone wants to buy me a donut maker i wouldn't say no. okay, thanks. bye. 

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